5-Year Homeless Plan

Download the Yakima County’s 5-year Homeless Plan

This plan has been developed to address the issues of homelessness in Yakima County and give direction to better serving those in need. The five-year plan will accomplish its goals by creating a plan that prioritizes housing first core values-that a person should be housed in safe housing as a primary tool after which services and support will be offered and provided through collaboration and cooperation with service and support providers. Reducing homelessness takes determination, perseverance and collaboration. Our intent is to create solutions that will reduce homeless in Yakima County so that it is BRIEF AND RARE by providing the homeless with better access to safe, decent, and affordable housing.

The Five-Year Plan to address homelessness in Yakima County will accomplish this by:
1) defining core problems facing the residents of Yakima County
2) identifying gaps in the housing market for low-income and very low-income citizens
3) assessing additional needs for prevention and service provider assistance for the homeless and at-risk populations
4) ensure that people quickly get the help they need to be safe and stable.